Friday, December 17, 2010
You call that a sandwich?
I also love visiting new places and meeting new people. I like to do things their way and see how they live and to see what's so beautiful about where they are from. All of this is fine and well, but there is one point where I draw the line. Sandwiches.
Ever since the first artisan slapped that hunk of meat between a couple biscuits(C'mon people, I'm talking about sandwiches) generations and cultures have been eating sandwiches. The sandwich is an effective culinary tool. To eat each part of a sandwich independently is a task and can leave your fingers messy. The idea to encapsulate the meat, produce, and condiments within the cozy confines of bread was culinary genius.
Over the years there have been many versions of the sandwich and they have grown in size, shape, and name. The ingredients have changed as well and we now find ourselves in the midst of the "Golden Age" of sandwiches where sandwich shops battle for market share by using relentless advertising and opening locations on every corner and in every wal-mart or gas station on your route to anywhere, U.S.A.
here comes the "but"
But, I rarely frequent these fine establishments. I find little joy in these sandwiches with their various artisan 5 cheese honey oat italian herbs breads and fine assortment of meats and 27 varietis of cheese and blue cheese bacon ranch italian olive oil chipotle sauces. All of those ingredients and options are fine, and you may love some or all of them, and that is ok.
But to me, it's a snack at best.
You see, where I am from, this is not a sandwich
THIS is a sandwich
I mean no disrespect, but once you have enjoyed an authentic New Orleans style roast beef po-boy, there is no other sanwich.
And so, it all goes back to where you are from. I am from new orleans, and when momma said i'm gonna bring home some sandwiches we didn't open a bag of chips, we went and got an extra roll of paper towels to wipe the gravy off our elbows and a fork to scoop up all the extras left on the plate that the french bread could not contain.
So, let me apologize in advance when you ask me if I would like a sandwich and I politely refuse. I certainly mean no disrespect and I truly hope you enjoy yours . As for me, I'll wait till i get back home. where it's not just a sandwich, it's a meal.
The Deed is Done
The race is April 17th, 2011. and includes the following:
1. 1.2 mile swim
2. 56 mile cycle
3. 13.1 mile run
so if you have nothing to do 17 1/2 weeks from now and happen to be in the "old neighborhood"(most of it takes place in New orleans East), keep an eye out for me. I'll be the unstoppable one.
Monday, December 13, 2010
18 weeks to go
18 weeks to go, one step at a time.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Stolen Poem
I found this poem on someone else's blog. It sums up my world.
In my world,
The water is cold,
The wind is hard,
And the road never ends.
In my world,
There are no losers.
Only competitors still on their way,
And spectators waiting to be inspired.
In my world,
Victory is not weighed in gold,
But in determination and courage.
In my world,
There are no boundaries,
No limits,
There is no end.
Every day is the last day of my life,
And the first.
In my world,
The word “can't” does not exist,
And nothing is impossible.
author unknown
Monday, December 6, 2010
Running in Cirlces
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
And it stoned me...
Everyday I walk into my classroom hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. A product of living in "Hurricane Culture" I suppose. Most days fall squarely in the middle, a little good, a little bad.
Today, I am seeing the worst, but am experiencing the best.
In American History we have studying the 1920's and 2 days ago started talking about the Harlem Renaissance. I briefly mentioned a few people who were part of the movement and what they did (Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, James Weldon Johnson, Langston Hughes) then showed a ten minute video on Zora Neale Hurston, and asked the students what they saw in the video that they thought was relative to their lives. The answers, most of them, centered around Zora (as they have taken to calling her, as if she were a dear friend) never giving up though faced with much adversity. I topic I talk about often in this blog.
So, i asked them to do a little writing. To answer the question: who are you? (oo oo, oo oo).
They worked on it for a while in class, asked me a few questions about what format to use and what exactly I wanted them to write. I replied: Whatever answers the question who you are, and in what ever format you think you can answer it best. After all, they are the experts on the subject.
Today they came in and I gave them the oppurtunity to share who they are. I told them it wasn't mandatory, that some probably wrote some personal stuff that they may not want others to know.
One by one volunteers walked to the front of the class, and shared. They shared stories of hardship and tribulation. Broken homes, broken bones, broken hearts. Lives of violence, poverty, drugs, alcohol, abandonment. Lives of seeing fathers kill and be incarcerated, lives of cracked out mothers, lives of lonely, scary nights hiding under the bed or crying themselves to sleep.
and more...
...lives of falling in with the wrong crowd, doing the wrong thing, being there at the wrong time...
and more...
...lives of walking away from the wrong crowd, doing the right thing, and making it the right time.
Lives of not giving up, looking on the bright side, finding a reason to carry on. Lives of hope, love, and redemption.
Lives of Redemption.
Lives of Redemption.
One by one i listened to their stories, I found out who they are. More importantly, I think they found out who they are. They found out that they are not the only one. Others have been through the same thing and have survived it and grown stronger from it. They showed how strong they are just by getting up to share, they gave strength to others, that they too can over come. They have shown me that I too can overcome the obstacles before me.
I came in today hoping for the best, and preparing for the worst. My heart has been broken today, and has been fully restored. The healed wound is often strongen than it was before. I saw the worst today, but am experiencing the best.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
An Off Day, Part 2
It seems that the legendary coach has summed up my previous post in 8 words. Thanks Coach!
Monday, October 25, 2010
An Off Day
Now, I could go on and tell you about the things I have done and how great it was to cross the finish line or how happy I was to wear the medal, etc......
But that's not whats on my mind. The last few weeks I have been thinking alot about my future goals; doing another marathon, my 1st half IronMan, 100 mile bike ride. To achieve these things it's gonna take a lot of work, dedication, and sweat. And this is where my thoughts take a turn from the positive ones that i usually write about to the events of a regular, ordinary, ho-hum 3 mile run.
A few months back I started training for an Olympic distance triathlon (1 mile swim, 25 mile bike, 6 mile run) and the training was going well until one ordinary day when I was supposed to run an "easy" 3 mile run (easy because my longer runs were 10-12 miles at the time). About a mile and a half into the run I just stopped running and started to walk. I told my self that I would just walk to the end of that block. Well, I walked the 1.5 back to the house.
Never before had that ever happened to me. I had been running for a good 5 or so years and never had that happen. 2 days later, it happened again. I cut the workout short for no reason. Was it self doubt? Was it burnout? I don't know. What i do know is that it has been hard to shake, hard to overcome. It has even gotten to the point where I fear training for anything because I am afraid it will happen again.
Ok, hold that thought.
I see a similar thing going on with the kids at school. It seems that these kids, and here I am referencing all 4 schools I have taught at, are used to giving up. It seems to have been instilled in many of them, through lack of consequence perhaps, that giving up is a viable option, that hard work is for suckers, that success should be given rather than earned. It disturbs me that I can make that last comment with such confidence in its accuracy.
I don't pretend to be Mr. Hardwork, if there is an easier way i am likely to take it. Who wouldn't? But many of these students are giving up before they begin because they don't think they will be successful anyway, and they don't want to waste their time trying if they are just gonna fail.
End critcism of the students. We will ride that horse some other time.
But there is an easy parrallel to be drawn between my issue and that which I see in the classroom. No one wants to fail, and no wants to waste their time if it's gonna result in failure anyway.
This is where the story turns.
In the Olympic distance triathlon that I was training for I had the best open-water swim I ever had, I also had the best bike ride I ever had in a triathlon and both of these distances were longer than any race I had done before. Even though i caught a cramp in my back coming out of the swim, I still put in my best bike ride. But, Shortly into the run, I walked. I tried to convince myself it would just be for a minute. Well that minute turned into walking about 4 of the 6 miles. The ability to quit was already in me, and it showed itself. When I finally crossed the line my family was there and seemed really proud of me. But i was silently hurting inside and felt that I let them down, and worse, I betrayed myself.
That makes it hard to get started again. At that point it would be easy to have stayed down on the mat, but you know I can't do that. You have read enough of my posts to know how much I love a redemption story, how much I love the story of the guy who finished last, but overcame great adversity to finish at all.
Hopefully, that will be my story. I never claimed to be a great athlete, I never claimed that I could win any race, but I have overcome adversity before, and i will overcome adversity again. I will run today. The thought of quitting will surely cross my mind. I will have to make a decison: run? or walk?
I have failed at many things, many times, but I have picked myself up and dusted my self off just as many times. All I can do, all any of us can do, is face the challenges before us on step at a time, one day at a time. I can't predict success in accomplishing all my goals, and the students can't predict success on every assignment. But we can decide while on the run to day if we will run or walk. And though i cannot tell you what decision i will make tomorrow, today I will choose to run.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Slice like a Ninja, cut like a razor blade.
Last month i watched "Ninja Assassin".
Yesterday I got in another movie from netflix. The movie is called "Ninja".
Kelley commented, "Are you gonna keep ordering ninja movies?"
My reply, "yes, i will order ALL the ninja movies".
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I thought I was over you
but I guess its not true.
I lay in bed at night
thinking of you.
When i finally fall
into sleep and to dream
you call out to me,
how near you seem.
When I awake
your names on my mind.
yellow cake chocolate icing
why must you be so unkind?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
When I Look in the Mirror
a 10 year old boy looking back at me.
boundless enrgy, full of hopes and dreams
naive to the world and it's harmful schemes.
He's ready to run and jump and experince it all
with never a thought of a crushing fall.
Does he know me and from where I've come
Would he be happy with who hes become?
when I look in the mirror, I sometimes see
a man of 20 grinning back at me.
He has a look in his eye that the worlds in his hand
he can do it much better than anyone can.
There's a pep in his step, and love in his heart,
He sees oppurtunity before him and he's ready to start.
I see his confidence and desire, his wit and his charm
does he see the hurdles before him that threaten him harm?
When I look in the mirror, I often see
a man whose turned 30 looking for me.
He's working so hard, to fix mistakes of his past
he knows his times coming and its coming fast.
he's working for the future, to be secure in his home
he's learning that to do it right he must do it alone
His charm and his wit are taking a beating
he's learning there's no future, only failure in retreating.
When I looked in the mirror this morning I saw
all 3 of those people, and yet I saw more.
I saw all of the people who have helped and have harmed
I saw the pain that built strength and the need to press on.
When I look in the mirror, once I did see
A man about 40, hiding from me
he was dressed in my clothes, a stranger I'd say
he looked like his best friend had been taken away
I wanted to speak, but no words were found
he looked like he wanted, but could not hear a sound
Could he have know the words never spoken?
was his heart full of joy, or had it been broken?
When I look in the mirror, I plainly see
I kind grey haired gentlemen, laughing at me.
He looks like my father, and a bit like my mom
and like the pictures of grandpa with his fire suit on.
why he is laughing its hard to tell
has his life been a pleasure or has he suffered through hell?
Is he laughing with joy because there is nothing to fear
or that he knows that I'll keep fighting year after year?
When I look in the mirror, I want to say
I don't know the future but I wont go away
I have enjoyed great pleasure, and endured great loss
both sides have come at highly paid cost
Sometimes I will fail but I will not give in
Sometimes i'll be the savior and sometimes I'll sin
through all of my future, as has been in my past
I will fight till I finish, be it in first place or last.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Welcome Back, Trickster!

***Note: Class is 60 minutes, episodes are 22 minutes. So, YES, we do American history for the 1st 38 minutes before watching the show. There is ZERO wasted time in my class, that's how i roll!!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Landmarks, part 2
Here is the Record player/"Wheels of steel" that I am refering to, and yes, you could close the top and it has it's own built in handle. You know we 2nd grade DJ's need to be portable.
The control on the front left isthe volume dial, the one on the right is the speed controler. 45rpm or 33 1/2 rpm. Only problem is that if you wanted to play 33's you had to take the lid off because the ablums were so big.
I don't recall what ever became of this audio masterpiece but I do know That whenever see a DJ spinning records or I hear the pops and hiss's of vintage vinyl, this baby will be on my mind.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Fishing and Fighting
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Birth of a Legend...
Team Picture: L to R, Freight Train, Alberto, King of the Mountain
Freight Train and Alberto looking stylish minutes before the start.
Alberto and Freight Train rollin' through the back roads of Tuscaloosa County. this is about 40 miles into the ride and the just keep hammering away.
King of the Mountain and Betty White looking good and feeling good. 4000 calories burned and all I could think about was what to do for lunch. unfortunately there were no buffets on the route.
So, that is the story. Had a great time with some great friends. and look forward to doing it again soon.
Special thanks to Mr. Tuscaloosa for providing us with a place to stay and to Ms. Nohio for providing alot of laughs along the way.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Oh, and the AC is out at my house, time to get a second job to pay for the new compressor unit. SWARM(Scott Wants A Riding Mower) is now being replaced by DAMN(which is not and acronym, it just means DAMN!).
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Memphis in May BBQ Fest 2010 Recap

Monday, May 17, 2010
final week
I know that many of you non-teachers out there think that teachers are lucky to get 2 months off in the summer, and I'm sure there are some that think teachers should work year round, and I respect your opinion. BUT, I am extrememly thankful for the break. In my short career as a teacher I can say that without such a break, most teachers would burn out in no time and leave the proffession.
I would actually prefer to work year round, just not non -stop. I like the idea of six weeks on, 2 weeks off year round. i think it would be better for the teachers and much better for the kids. But, until that happens, thank goodness there is only one more week.
This is also the final week before the Memphis inMay Triathlon that I will be competing in on Sunday the 23rd. I have reassessed my abilities, training, and the course I will be racing on and have come to this conclusion: I WILL finish the race, but it's gonna take a while.
My training got off to a great start a few months ago, but the last 2 months it has been a little, how should I say it, suspect? Hit or Miss? not-quite-consistent?
The thing I should do the best at is the swim, which is the first leg of the race. This is also the area that I have been most consistent in my weekly workouts. BUT, this is an area that still concerns me as I have never had a good open water swim in a race. If it's not the weather and large waves it's me being sick and barely being able to breath, thus not being able to get into a swimming rhythm. Hopefully this will be the race where that changes. In fact, my sole goal for this race is to do well in the swim. I feel like i need that confidence boost before continuing my quest towards Ironman(someday).
The second leg of the race is the bike, which will be 25 miles through the rural areas north of memphis. As you may recall I live in South Louisiana. That makes me a flat-lander. Not that memphis has mountains, but the land is not flat. The course is full of rolling hills which are great for preventing getting into a riding rhythm.
However, I did go to Memphis this past weekend and road the hills on Peabody and Central Avenues both Saturday and Sunday. I feel like I know what the ride will be like. But, again, I will finish it, but it will take a while.
Then there is the run, 6 miles, and the run is the workout I have neglected the most. It will be interesting to see how my legs feel after the swim and the run. As they say, "slow but steady, still makes it to the buffet". Or something like that.
An added goodie is that my Dad and Step-Mom are coming in from Tulsa to cheer me on. And yes, I will use them as an excuse to eat more delicious BBQ than I should. I have to admit, I have a very supportive family, at all the races I have done there has always been someone there to cheer me on, be it my Mom, Tom, Brother, nieces, Dad, Janet, and the GC's(who got me a great CCC no parking sign), oh, and Uncle Brian and Aunt Wanda at the mamrathon. I'm a pretty lucky guy!
So the point of all this writing is to say that I have a big race coming up Sunday, what a great way to end the school year. I also have a summer job lined up, but I will tell you about that later this week. I will also try to include the good time I had at BBQ fest in Memphis this past week, I wanted to find a picture to go with that before I put up the post.
Have a great week and check back soon for the other stories.
BTW, as I am watching my class take their final I am feeling rushed for time(bells about to ring) so there is no grammar or spelling check on this post. Those of you who read this regularly are probaly thinking, "oh, I didn't think he ever used spell check". Very Funny!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
yellow cake chocolate icing
Friday, May 7, 2010
As I Lay Sleeping
All those things passed before my eyes, and were followed by visions of a city who has been ruined by fire and flood, and fire and flood, and fire and flood, whose residents, who's citizens, we children of New Orleans, through the worst of it all, stood tall, with aching backs and blistered hands, danced both day and night, though feet were sore and muscles ached, whose spirit would not be made tired by long days toil in heat and humidity. They found joy in the music, their music, music born of all nations and forged by time and situation into the rhythm of life in that careless town. A town that has never ceased to love, though has often been forgotten.
No! there is no music that you hear in your car or on your Ipod tonight were it not for the convergence of class, race, and cultures that collided these last 450 years in New Orleans. Trace it back. Trace it all back. The river flows south and carries waters from all over this land to new Orleans. It gives us fertile fields and soil to grow sugar cane as tall as 2 men. But what flows from New Orleans is the heart, and the soul, and the rhythm of a nation.
I sat with my eyes closed, in the dark, listening to the Brass Bands of today play the songs of days gone by. And I saw with my own closed eyes, the entire history of a city and it's people. And I heard the future in the songs of yesterday.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Happy Sadie de Mayo!

Monday, May 3, 2010
Best Friends
Monday, April 26, 2010
In your dreams!!!
At that point someone told me I was in third place and we were in the last stage, running. Now, I can't name a lot of the elite triathletes in the world, but, I can name some of the top runners. In my dream I passed Deena Kastor, who was in 1st place in the womens division and then I passed Ryan Hall to move into 2nd place.
At this point the race went into a building and just as I was about to make my move to take the lead we went into a stairwell and I apparently got off on the wrong floor. Hall passed me but I caught and passed him just before the finish line, which happened to be in the office of the Assesor of Cook County Illinois. That is where the Police and military caught up to Jake and Elwood in the movie The Blues Brothers.
I think I was pretty happy with 2nd place. I'm not sure who finished first. Probably Big bird or Evel Kneivel.
And I say all of that to say this- Happy Monday! What a long strange trip we have before us.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Landmarks pt.1
I spent about 9 years of my life in Tuscaloosa, AL. and I love that town. Iam so proud to be a child of New Orleans and am so proud of that heritage but a big piece of my heart will always be on the banks of the Black Warrior River.
One image that pops into my mind when I think of Tuscaloosa is the Moon Winx Inn. Located in the "Alberta City" aka "the ABC" section of town it was once one of the nicest places to stay in town as it was on the main highway through town before the interstate was built. These days it is often the butt of pay by the hour jokes(no, i don't know if you can actually pay by the hour). But the sign is true Tuscaloosa landmark. At night the sign is lit in neon and animated as the neon at the eye switches back and forth to make it appear the the moon is winking.
and the restaurant no longer exists.
One thing I never understood is why you would need an air conditioned telephone. HMMM?

Monday, April 19, 2010
It makes me wonder
I wonder sometimes who reads this stuff and would anyone want to read this stuff? I wonder sometimes why there are so many religions and denominations. All of the believers claim to pray about their faith and believe that God has revealed to them that their faith is the true faith. It seems to me that not everyone can be right on this matter. If there is Only one God, as they believe, then only one faith can be right, right? This makes organized, doctrinal based religion difficult for me. Now you know.
I wonder how people that do Ironman triathlons do it. First, I wonder how they finish those races, any one part of that race seems like it would be all a person can do(2 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, full marathon). Even more amazing to me is how these people find the time to do the training for this event. It requires multiple workouts everyday for months leading up to the race. In my opinion, being disciplined enough to get in all the workouts is a greater accomplishment than the race itself. Not to diminish the race, that's super freakin awesome too.
I wonder why dogs and cats don't get along.
I wonder if the things I say about students today are the same things that my teachers said about my generation. And did my parents teachers say the same thing about their generation? Today's students don't like to work, they seem to want everything handed to them. They want everything now. they have no patience or no work ethic. They don't understand the concept of original thought. NO! young student, just because YOU used YOUR computer it doesn't make them YOUR ideas. Plagiarism is still illegal, and you are now a criminal, Jack@$$.
I wonder if there will ever be a day when my butt doesn't hurt after a 20 mile bike ride.
I wonder if I have rambled enough.
I wonder if I should have put question marks behind all of the "i wonder" lines I have written.
I wonder if Sadie and Lily are sleeping on my bed right now or are plotting their escape from the back yard.
I wonder how you managed to stay awake long enough to make it through this entire post.
Have a great day!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
State Championship
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
At this point I am wondering if I will feel up to doing the tri on Saturday. Luckily I have a few more days so hopefully it will pass. If not, then I will do as much as I can but will drop out if I feel like I'm over doing it. Better to live and fight another day than really mess myself up.
And.....my wetsuit came in yesterday, so I really want to compete Saturday. I'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Putting my money where my mouth is
Yes, I did it last year. But, after the race last year I pretty much stopped working out for about 7 months. A few months ago I got back to it and tonight I ante'd up. One major difference this year is that I will be wearing the wetsuit this year. As you can see from the picture above I was one of the few who went natural. Last year was a warm winter so I figured the weather wouldn't be too bad, and it wasn't. The water was cold, but manageable.
This year however was a very cold winter, by Southern standards. And so, I am taking no chances, I will be in the wetsuit. But, as it is my first time i have decided to go sleeveless for the sole reason that I fear the awkwardness of the suit pulling my arm hair when i move. It may not be an issue, but mentally it is bothering me.
I have only worked out once in the past 7 days, which isn't good since I am running a 10K on Saturday. I have my work cut out for me.
I went camping this past weekend, had a great time, and though I am glad to be home with my girls that I missed so much, I feel awkward at home missing the girls that I left.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Mama Mia!
My Mom.
Let me just say that she is awesome and that I love her. Thanks for being my mom!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Quadathlon-Swim, Bike, Run, MOW!
this is the time of year where the racing events start happening and i've got 3 planned in the next 2 months.
1.Crescent City Classic 10K in NOLA April 3
2.OxBow Triathlon (.5 Swim 18 bike 3.1 run) April 10
3. Memphis in May Triathlon (1mi swim, 25mi bike, 6.1 mi run) may 23
and though I have been working out 5-6 days a week, following my training schedule, I just don't feel prepared for any of them. True, they are still weeks away, but I feel overwhelmed by all of them. But, I am a big advocate of the famed "Baby Steps" teaching of Dr. Leo Marvin. So, I will just do the training and focus on one day at a time, one event at a time.
Sidebar: I did an hour and 20 minutes on the bike yesterday and can still feel all my bits and pieces, WOO-HOO!
One thing does have me a bit bothered. I decided a few weeks ago to make my yard look really nice this year. So, I cut it last week and put down some weed & feed. I've got some grass seeds that I will be putting down this week and have a full sclae plan to make my lawn the best lawn in my hood, yo!
BUT, as I was looking at my training schedule I realized that starting next week I lose my friday off days. That's right, I'll be working out 7 days a week. My yard isn't huge, but it is pretty big(front and back combined) and pushing the mower in the summer heat will wear anyone out. So, if I truly want to commit myself to both the pursuit of someday being an IronMan and having the best lawn in the hood, yo! I can only see one alternative: Riding Mower!!!!!!
Yet another problem arises: The Bank account. It doesn't seem to be agreeing with me on this issue. now, I have done the math and there are funds to cover it, but I have a certain number that I hate to see the account fall below. I call it my safety number. So, I say all that to say this, if you or someone you know has some quality used lawn mowing equipment that you would like to donate to a good home, and at a reasonable price, let me know. Perhaps I can help you make room in your garage or shed for that upgraded model you have had your eye on.
You can also feel free to make donations to SWARM (Scott Wants A Riding Mower)
And if not for me then do it for Sadie and Lily, those sweet babies need a soft lush and well manicured lawn to run and play on and they want their Daddy to have a riding mower so he will have energy left to play with them.

weekly workout stats
Run: 7.6 Mi (1:29:46)
Bike: 48.0 Mi (3:05:00)
Swim: 2.6 Mi/4500yds (1:46:28)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thoughts on St. Patrick's Day

And it all got me to thinking, What would St. Patrick think about the way people celebrate his day?
Here's a brief background on St. Pat, thanks to our friend "the wicker pedier".
1. lived sometime between 330 and 430 AD. In Romanized Britain( thus he was British, not Irish).
2. was captured at age 16 in Britain and brought to Ireland as a slave. lived as a slave for 6 years.
3. escaped slavery and made his way back home to his family.
4. entered the church(catholic) and apparently rose up through the ranks.
5. Returned to Ireland as an ordained bishop
6. was an active missionary who refused to accept gifts from Irish royal families to prevent possibility of corruption and forced loyalty.
7. Focused on baptism of converts and bringing the wealthy into the church, even convincing many daughters from wealthy families to become nuns, which apparently wasn't an easy task back in the day because these women could be married off to other families to improve family status and connection.
8. Ordained Priests across Ireland
Now, from what I can see, it seems that Patrick is certainly worthy of recognition and his own day in the Catholic calendar. But, I don't think he is properly celebrated.
For starters, this guy was very intent on converting and baptism. He wanted people to be in the church. IN the church. But, how many people actually go to church on St. Patrick's day. I have no objection to a party, but if you want to honor someone make it an appropriate honor. Perhaps an AM trip to the local church, a few minutes of prayer and thanksgiving, something along those lines would be a nice thing to do.
Many non-catholics celebrate the day as well. For most, it seems to be a celebration of Irish pride. I am not Irish, as best as i know, and I am not Catholic, though most of my family is. And I do not celebrate st. Patrick's day. But If i were Irish, I don't think I would be too pleased with the way the day is celebrated from a nationalistic perspective. Say the words "St. Patrick's day" and see what the 1st thing the people around you say first. Green Beer, Irish car bomb, etc.
It just seems to me that if all I knew about the Irish was what I see in this day, I would assume that the Irish are all lazy drunkards, promiscuous, and lacking in common and public decency.
Of course that is not true.
And that is why i think people should at least consider what it is they are celebrating before they celebrate. Take a few minutes to remember who are what it is you are celebrating. do something appropriate to the day. St. Patrick was a missionary, maybe spread the word to at least one person. Irish persons have overcome a lot of adversity in their history, maybe read about or reenact a scene from there history. show pride in what you are celebrating, but be sure you know what it is you are celebrating.
I'm not making any judgements for or against anything, I'm just saying.
If you just need a reason to have a party and act silly and crazy, come to Mardi Gras(shameless plug to boost my local economy). But, on days like St. Patty's, I'm just saying, take a minute to pay an honest, sincere, and appropriate tribute before putting on your "Kiss Me, I'm Sh1t Faced" T-shirt.

And don't even get me started on Valentines Day!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Sadie and Lily!!!!
Sadie, Ain't she cute?
Lily, worlds best foot warmer!
Weekly Workout Totals
Run- 8.2 mi (1:42:51)
Bike-24.5 mi (1:30:00)
Swim- 2.3mi /4000yds (1:41:50)
yardwork all day Saturday(should count for something, right?)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hero, and I'm not talking sandwiches either!
But as I was driving home yesterday I got to thinking about heroes. Both fictional and real. It seems to me that what draws us to heroes are there fatal flaws. But not just that they have them, that they overcome them. After all, isn't that what makes one a hero, the ability to persevere and overcome obstacles? I think so.
My personal heroes list is short:
Jon Shoulders
Nolan Ryan
My Brother
I would explain Why each one of those people are on the list, but let me boil it down to this: each one of those men has shown me a different view of what it means to be a man and how to live a life worth living. Ech providing a different perspective that has helped shape me into the me you see today, for better or worse.
I will focus on one of my heroes today, My Brother.
He has been through alot and has overcome many obstacles. And now I remember where the whole thought about heroes camefrom, a post that my brother put on facebook yesterday that "I became a runner today, I actually enjoyed running".
You see, A few years ago most people thought he would not run again, or walk again, or use his brain again, or live at all. But he has. His colon ruptured, he went into septic shock and has organs began shutting down. except his heart, the Doctors said he has a strong heart. Hells yeah he does. in time, systems began to slowly start to function again and after a month he came out a coma(partially medically induced). Months in rehab hospitals and a major blow to his life and emotional, not to mention physical state, he came back home.
One of the happiest days of my life was when he was still in the ICU and we were talking to him and over him, concerned about his brain being fried due to high temps and he did some math calculations in his head, and npot easy ones either. I knew his mind was there, and the rest would follow. And so it has, a few months ago he started running, he completed a half-marathon, and has runin several 5/10k's as well and I have had the pleasure of doing a couple of training runs with him. What a priveledge to run with one of your heroes.
What an honor to run with the person you tried to run with all your life. I followed him to elementary school, followed him to the bus stop in Jr. High, followed him to high school and lived in his shadow through it all, but there was no place else I would rather have been. I even moved 3 states away to go to college where he was. He was my superman, I couldn' tbeat him at anything but could tell he was proud when ever I did well at anything.
And then I started running. Even completed a marathon, and there he was(with the rest of the support team, team pegasus) every few miles yelling encouragment and lifting my spirits to get me a few more miles up the road where he would be again yelling my name for all to here and yelling how he knew that I could, and would do it. What a treasure.
I didn't make him start running. In fact, i was suprised when he told me he started. He Runs, does spin class, hits the weights. He has come from the ICU and inches from losing his life to the point where he enjoys running, which was not one of his favorite childhood activities(I think he still has Atari calouses on his thumbs).
He is a runner, He is a hero, MY hero.
Training for triathlons is not easy and there are a lot of obstacles to overcome. Life is not easy and the obstacles are non-stop. But so are the strories of those who have conquered those obstacles. Steve has, and I will follow in his shadow, as I always have.
Weekly Totals
Swim- 4500 yds(2.6 miles)
Bike- 27 mi
Run- 8.8 mi
Monday, March 1, 2010
I should write stuff down
Lily says: I is polar bear, hearz me roarz!
I had a pretty good weekend. Realizing I had a fridge full of stuff but nothing to eat I decided it was time to make groceries(for my yats). So, Saturday morning I got up and went to Wal-Mart. The secret to surviving the Wal-Marts is Headphones. It seems that rockin' out to the Neville brothers makes it a much more pleasant experience. I even went as far as to plan out my meals for the week And even considered how much i would need to make (of the various meals) to cover lunch at work(Hooray for leftovers).
Then I went home and Hopped on the bike for an hour. It seems that we are becoming friends after all. The beauty of the bike trainer is that you can watch tv/ movies while you ride. And NO, I am not embarassed to say that I watched the 1st half of Phantom of the Opera while riding. I will watch the second half today.
Saturday evening the roomie and I went out for mexican. El Rio Grande=Delicious. Though it was a little weird that there was a huge image of Jesus and a bull rider underthe lacquer of the table and below the picture was the Oracion del Janiete(or something close to that) which our waitress explained to us(though we figured it out before she told us)means the prayer of the bull rider, or something along those lines. Jesus apparently has very large, green, sad puppy dog eyes, Who knew. I hope its not a sin but I did put the chip bowl over his face, I couldn't take the pressure.
Sunday We(the roomie) went down to New Orleans to see his lady-friend run the Rock-n-Roll New orleans mardi gras 1/2 marathon. I wore my BAMA sweat shirt. I got many "roll tides"s, and "tiger bait"s. I had witty comebacks for everyone, and plenty of High-5's for the crimson nation.
The rest of the day Sunday was spent running errands, returning stuff that I bought in December but have been too lazy to deal with. Oh, and we cleaned all the crap out the fridge. Now there is actually space in there, and its organized, props to the roomie for even taking out and cleaning and adjusting the shelves for maximum storage space. I even took the dogs to the park on Sunday. So, it was busy weekend, but in a laid back way, no stress, no pressure. and I rode the bike.
This morning I made it to the Y at 5:30 AM for a swim, hopefully that's a sign that this will be a good and productive week. And Jesus, I am sorry about the chip bowl.
Weekly Workout Totals ( feb-22-28)
Swim-2750 yds(1.6 Mi) -1:13:42
Bike- 34.5 mi -2:15:00
Run- 3.2 mi -42:00 (Not real happy about this one)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
And a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders
Of ev'ry glove that layed him down
Or cut him till he cried out
In his anger and his shame
"I am leaving, I am leaving"
But the fighter still remains "
-"The Boxer", Simon and Garfunkel
"But the fighter still remains".
I like that.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Insert "Friends" theme song here
One problem I have encountered is with the bike. It seems that cycling and I are not best friends. I love running and have found that I love swimming just as much, maybe even more. But the bike and I remain arch enemies. Then the old saying crossed my mind, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer". I realized that the only way to become friends with someone(or something is to spend time together and really get to know one another. The bike has never done me wrong. Never broke my heart or stole my girlfriend. never left me stranded or drank the last of the milk and put the empty carton back in the fridge.
In fact, the bike has always been there for me. it got me to elementary school. Got me to the convenient store in Jr. High to play Gauntlet. In college it got me to school when my car broke down. The bike has been a dear, reliable old friend that I have dismissed. I am sorry old friend, please forgive me. In an attempt to repair our fractured relationship I even went out and bought a bike trainer so that I can ride my bike indoors and protect her from the dirt and grime from the city streets and we can ride in temperature controlled comfort and laugh the hours away as we watch reruns of the Rockford files, Hawaii five-0, and karate flicks.
Sadie inspecting the new setup, approval granted
I plan to focus a little more on the bike as we renew our relationship, and hopefully, with the assistance of my new friend, Mr. Padded shorts, we can ride of into the sunset and live Ironmanly ever after.
Weekly workout totals
Running- 6.2 Mi (1:16:21)
Cycling- 33.8 mi (2:15:00)
Swimming- 1.8 mi (1: 30:00)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
lesson learned at 4:20 in the afternoon
wait here, and sit.
clock ticks, hands move.
hands tick, clock moves.
look around, nothings changed.
nothings around, looks changed.
dream away, dream a way.
dream a way, dream away.
look, listen, feel, breathe.
time goes by, see it flee.
As it runs, moments escape.
there is change upon your face.
it was said that nothings changed.
but your hands are rearranged.
look around, the world is changed.
the thoughts in minds are not the same.
tick, tock, tick, tock.
tick tock, said the clock.
things remain, not the same.
not things, the same remains.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Out of water......Nobody!
But as I am the man, I got in my swim yesterday, in the rain, after work. To me it's not a big deal, I mean, I'm getting wet anyway. The problem is with the Y and the lifeguards. Now, I don't blame the lifeguards for not wanting to sit outside in the cold and rain while the 1 guy swims laps. But, I hate the inside pool. Its so stuffy in there, I just don't like it. Luckily, one of the lifeguards was more than happy to watch me swim outside. As he put it, "if I am outside watching you, the boss can't make me do all the other little crappy jobs she makes us do when th pool is closed. So please, swim for 2 hours till my shift is over".
It worked out great for both of us, but my swim only lasted about 45 minutes.
He seemed grateful.
Then i hit the treadmill for 30 minutes. Running is starting to feel good again. in 2 weeks it will probably feel normal again. Trying to build a base is definitely the hardest part. But evn after just a couple weeks I am feeling stronger. I even made it through most of spin class without taking a break on tuesday. Getting stronger everyday, feel good to me.
Motivation technique of the day: asking myself the question, "what is Drew Brees doing right now"? Who Dat!!!!
Monday, February 1, 2010
The Weekend and the Week to Come
Sunday was also good. Woke up at 7, which for me is sleeping in(as I usually get up at 5-5:30. took the dogs for a walk around the hood. I ate breakfast twice. 8am I had a bowl of cereal, 9:45 i had a bagel with egg, cheese, and turkey(something new I'm trying. Then I took the dogs to the dog park. It's funny, they are super excited to go and are really excited when we get there, but the last several times we've gone Sadie has wanted to leave after 15 minutes. She comes to me, makes a whining noise and then goes to the gate. It happened a few weeks ago for the first time. I figured there was something outside the gate she was smelling so I put on her leash(and Lily's) and led them out. Sadie pulled me straight to the jeep and put her paws up on the back bumper. That's how i knew she wanted to go and wasn't just smelling something.
We've been back several times since and the same pattern occurs. they run around for a few minutes then she whines and heads for the gate. Strange huh?
This week I begin my 17 week triathlon training plan. I'm off to a bad start. I was supposed to get up and go swimming this morning. That didn't happen. But, my bag is packed so I will be doing that after work. Then I'll be riding 15 miles on the bike when i get home. Sounds like fun right?
For those of you who remember my marathon training you may recall how i followed my training schedule like it was holy scripture. Well, that's the plan again. Hopefully I can get my $h1+ together this week. If i can suck it up in week one and get it done I will have no problem the next 16 weeks. For me, the hard part is just getting started.
Well, i feel like a am rambling so I'll sign off now. I hope you all have a good week. I'll catch you on the flip-side!!!