Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Putting my money where my mouth is

Tonight I officially registered for the OxBow Triathlon in New Roads, La. on April 10th.

Yes, I did it last year. But, after the race last year I pretty much stopped working out for about 7 months. A few months ago I got back to it and tonight I ante'd up. One major difference this year is that I will be wearing the wetsuit this year. As you can see from the picture above I was one of the few who went natural. Last year was a warm winter so I figured the weather wouldn't be too bad, and it wasn't. The water was cold, but manageable.

This year however was a very cold winter, by Southern standards. And so, I am taking no chances, I will be in the wetsuit. But, as it is my first time i have decided to go sleeveless for the sole reason that I fear the awkwardness of the suit pulling my arm hair when i move. It may not be an issue, but mentally it is bothering me.

I have only worked out once in the past 7 days, which isn't good since I am running a 10K on Saturday. I have my work cut out for me.

I went camping this past weekend, had a great time, and though I am glad to be home with my girls that I missed so much, I feel awkward at home missing the girls that I left.


  1. oh lordy scott....aren't wet suits pretty much full body spandex? except you're going to have your arms exposed. i think that'll be a good look. haha :)

  2. "you can do it, scott!" -- in my best Christina voice
