Monday, March 1, 2010

I should write stuff down

So, I am feeling like there were a buch of things that I wanted to tell you about, but I can't remember what they were.
Here are a couple pictures from a few weeks back
Sadie says: "You talkin' to me"?

Lily says: I is polar bear, hearz me roarz!

I had a pretty good weekend. Realizing I had a fridge full of stuff but nothing to eat I decided it was time to make groceries(for my yats). So, Saturday morning I got up and went to Wal-Mart. The secret to surviving the Wal-Marts is Headphones. It seems that rockin' out to the Neville brothers makes it a much more pleasant experience. I even went as far as to plan out my meals for the week And even considered how much i would need to make (of the various meals) to cover lunch at work(Hooray for leftovers).

Then I went home and Hopped on the bike for an hour. It seems that we are becoming friends after all. The beauty of the bike trainer is that you can watch tv/ movies while you ride. And NO, I am not embarassed to say that I watched the 1st half of Phantom of the Opera while riding. I will watch the second half today.

Saturday evening the roomie and I went out for mexican. El Rio Grande=Delicious. Though it was a little weird that there was a huge image of Jesus and a bull rider underthe lacquer of the table and below the picture was the Oracion del Janiete(or something close to that) which our waitress explained to us(though we figured it out before she told us)means the prayer of the bull rider, or something along those lines. Jesus apparently has very large, green, sad puppy dog eyes, Who knew. I hope its not a sin but I did put the chip bowl over his face, I couldn't take the pressure.

Sunday We(the roomie) went down to New Orleans to see his lady-friend run the Rock-n-Roll New orleans mardi gras 1/2 marathon. I wore my BAMA sweat shirt. I got many "roll tides"s, and "tiger bait"s. I had witty comebacks for everyone, and plenty of High-5's for the crimson nation.

The rest of the day Sunday was spent running errands, returning stuff that I bought in December but have been too lazy to deal with. Oh, and we cleaned all the crap out the fridge. Now there is actually space in there, and its organized, props to the roomie for even taking out and cleaning and adjusting the shelves for maximum storage space. I even took the dogs to the park on Sunday. So, it was busy weekend, but in a laid back way, no stress, no pressure. and I rode the bike.

This morning I made it to the Y at 5:30 AM for a swim, hopefully that's a sign that this will be a good and productive week. And Jesus, I am sorry about the chip bowl.

Weekly Workout Totals ( feb-22-28)
Swim-2750 yds(1.6 Mi) -1:13:42
Bike- 34.5 mi -2:15:00
Run- 3.2 mi -42:00 (Not real happy about this one)

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