Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I will try to put up a new post on Wednesday to let you know how the Memphis in May Triathlon and weekend in Memphis turned out. I'll tease you by saying that Yes, I did go to Graceland, but NO, there was not a pretty little thing waiting for the King down in the Jungle room.

Oh, and the AC is out at my house, time to get a second job to pay for the new compressor unit. SWARM(Scott Wants A Riding Mower) is now being replaced by DAMN(which is not and acronym, it just means DAMN!).


  1. Well DAMN! I'm sorry to hear about your AC - especially with it being so hot! Blegh...hope things get fixed soon!

  2. Dear Scott,
    Your forthcoming blog is taking a little too long. I have been slow at work this week and need some reading material to make it through Thursday and Friday. Please consider this a desperate request to update the blog.
    Your #1 Blog Fan

  3. yeah, I guess it has been a while. Maybe I'll update this thing later today. thanks for putting pressure on me, i'll use it as motivation

  4. SRSLY, you can change the blog background, but you can't update it?
