Monday, May 17, 2010

final week

This is the final week, finals week, of school and I am ready for a break.

I know that many of you non-teachers out there think that teachers are lucky to get 2 months off in the summer, and I'm sure there are some that think teachers should work year round, and I respect your opinion. BUT, I am extrememly thankful for the break. In my short career as a teacher I can say that without such a break, most teachers would burn out in no time and leave the proffession.

I would actually prefer to work year round, just not non -stop. I like the idea of six weeks on, 2 weeks off year round. i think it would be better for the teachers and much better for the kids. But, until that happens, thank goodness there is only one more week.

This is also the final week before the Memphis inMay Triathlon that I will be competing in on Sunday the 23rd. I have reassessed my abilities, training, and the course I will be racing on and have come to this conclusion: I WILL finish the race, but it's gonna take a while.

My training got off to a great start a few months ago, but the last 2 months it has been a little, how should I say it, suspect? Hit or Miss? not-quite-consistent?

The thing I should do the best at is the swim, which is the first leg of the race. This is also the area that I have been most consistent in my weekly workouts. BUT, this is an area that still concerns me as I have never had a good open water swim in a race. If it's not the weather and large waves it's me being sick and barely being able to breath, thus not being able to get into a swimming rhythm. Hopefully this will be the race where that changes. In fact, my sole goal for this race is to do well in the swim. I feel like i need that confidence boost before continuing my quest towards Ironman(someday).

The second leg of the race is the bike, which will be 25 miles through the rural areas north of memphis. As you may recall I live in South Louisiana. That makes me a flat-lander. Not that memphis has mountains, but the land is not flat. The course is full of rolling hills which are great for preventing getting into a riding rhythm.

However, I did go to Memphis this past weekend and road the hills on Peabody and Central Avenues both Saturday and Sunday. I feel like I know what the ride will be like. But, again, I will finish it, but it will take a while.

Then there is the run, 6 miles, and the run is the workout I have neglected the most. It will be interesting to see how my legs feel after the swim and the run. As they say, "slow but steady, still makes it to the buffet". Or something like that.

An added goodie is that my Dad and Step-Mom are coming in from Tulsa to cheer me on. And yes, I will use them as an excuse to eat more delicious BBQ than I should. I have to admit, I have a very supportive family, at all the races I have done there has always been someone there to cheer me on, be it my Mom, Tom, Brother, nieces, Dad, Janet, and the GC's(who got me a great CCC no parking sign), oh, and Uncle Brian and Aunt Wanda at the mamrathon. I'm a pretty lucky guy!

So the point of all this writing is to say that I have a big race coming up Sunday, what a great way to end the school year. I also have a summer job lined up, but I will tell you about that later this week. I will also try to include the good time I had at BBQ fest in Memphis this past week, I wanted to find a picture to go with that before I put up the post.

Have a great week and check back soon for the other stories.

BTW, as I am watching my class take their final I am feeling rushed for time(bells about to ring) so there is no grammar or spelling check on this post. Those of you who read this regularly are probaly thinking, "oh, I didn't think he ever used spell check". Very Funny!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck in the race!!
    We all know you'll finish - enjoy your visit with your dad and Janet and the bar-b-que too!!
    love ya!! Aunt Wanda
