Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I thought I was over you

I thought I was over you,
but I guess its not true.
I lay in bed at night
thinking of you.

When i finally fall
into sleep and to dream
you call out to me,
how near you seem.

When I awake
your names on my mind.
yellow cake chocolate icing
why must you be so unkind?


  1. When reading the first few lines of this post, I was a little concerned. Then, when I got to the bottom, I was reminded that your birthday is almost here, and so is the yellow cake with chocolate frosting!

  2. icing, not frosting. icing.

  3. Tomatoh tomatoe! You say potato, I say poh-tah-to! By the way, it's TOASTED CHEESE, not GRILLED CHEESE! You'll learn one day...

  4. Grilled cheese sammiches and a bowl of chili!!!
