Friday, January 22, 2010

Diving back in: the results

So, I DID go to the Y yesterday and I did swim and I didn't drown. I call that a successful day. More specifically, i swam the length of the pool 50 times. 50x25 yards =1250 yards. Oh crap, was the pool 25 meters? either way, I swam 1250 meters or yards(not exactly the same but close enough for now). I didn't do a planned structured workout, just kept swimming, taking 45 second breaks after every 8-12 lengths of the pool.

Unlike the pain that getting back on the bike, swimming actually felt good. I'm no aquaman or Mark Spitz but I did feel comfortable. Today is an off day. I'm looking forward to walking the dogs when i get home and having a relaxing weekend at least until Sunday when the Saints Thrash the Vikings. Favre is good, and at least he will be close to home when his season ends this Sunday.

Have a good weekend, stay hydrated.

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