a couple months ago I went with two of my best friends on a trip to Virginia. We stayed in a cabin owned by one of the friends family. The goal of the trip was to just relax and have fun. We had some ideas about what we wanted to, but nothing was set in stone. We accomplished our objective, we relaxed for a week and had a lot of fun.
I'm not gonna give out all the details but mailnly we watched the tour de france in the morning and then headed to the river for some fishing. evenings were dinner and dvd's.
I was looking for a picture earlier and came across the one above. No, that's not me. That's one of my friends. But it is my favorite picture from the trip. It reminds me of all the things I always wanted to do but never took the time to actually do.
This trip, this summer, and really the last 2 years I have started to change that. I realize that there places I want to see and things I want to do, but I often let those things remain just a wish.
These days I look at things I want to do and make plans to do them. No one's gonna do it for me, I have to do it myself, and that's the way it should be.
I always wanted to do a marathon, so I trained for it and did it. I always wanted to do a triathlon and did it. I wanted to learn to fish, I did it, I wanted to take a spur of the monent trip, I did it. I wanted to be more relaxed and impulsive, I did it. I wanted to be financial responsible and independent, I did it. The list goes on.
I always wanted to take a fishing trip to the mountains and stand in a cold clear stream on a beautiful day in the company of good friends. Now I have.
The point is that fear used to control what I did. I feared I would fail, Ifeared i couldn't afford, I feared, it wouldn't turn out right. That fear made me into someone else. Those of you who know me well know who i am, my silly, fun-loving, outgoing side. And that's me. fear turned me into a quiet recluse. I stifled myself(as Archie Bunker would say). But, as the last 2 years, and especially the last 6 months have passed by I have realized that this is my life and I only get one chance to live.
So, I will not live in fear. I will hold my head up, be strong and courageous, and do the things I always dreamed to do. You see, there is a battle going on inside of us all. A battle between this and that, it's diferrent for us all, but the battle does not discriminate. Your battle may be different than mine, but your battle is just as much a struggle as is mine.
That battle is called life, and it is really hard sometimes. But the only one who can make it better is you. Look your battle dead in the eye and let it know that you are hunting it, and that you will defeat it. Because to fight is to live. if you do not fight, you will surely die.
As Simon and Garfunkel put it:
"In the clearing stands a boxer
And a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders
Of ev'ry glove that layed him down
Or cut him till he cried out
In his anger and his shame "
I am leaving, I am leaving"
But the fighter still remains"
Sometimes you lose, and you WILL lose. But, as long as the fighter remains, the battle continues, and it's THE BATTLE I LOVE.
Don't give up.